Our organization, Ángeles Malagueños de la Noche, is a non-profit organization from Málaga, Spain, whose main goal is to provide a decent meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) to anyone who can't afford one.

Our history
Everything started on a Summer in 2007 when a woman from Málaga and her husband traveled to Italy on a holiday.
One day, on a subway stop, they saw how a group of volunteers were handing out sandwiches and hot coffee to people who needed it.
This idea traveled with them to Málaga, and together with some friends the started preparing in their homes sandwiches and beverages to hand them out to people who slept under bridges, on beaches or on the street. [...]
This idea traveled with them to Málaga, and together with some friends the started preparing in their homes sandwiches and beverages to hand them out to people who slept under bridges, on beaches or on the street. [...]

Our principles
Our organization is open, secular, apolitic and non-profit. Our goal is to help those in need, prominently by providing them with a plate of food. We aren’t subsidized by any goverment or public institution. We can only maintain our work thanks to the help of individuals and companies.
We work 365 days a year to provide for people who live in the street or in very precaurious conditions. [...]
We work 365 days a year to provide for people who live in the street or in very precaurious conditions. [...]

Our work
Our volunteers work on a prefab stand in Pasillo de Santo Domingo. Our stand is open to anyone every day of the year, during morning, afternoon and evening.
Every morning, under the supervision a group leader, food items are collected from different points of the province (and sometimes outside it) with our van. Meanwhile, in our stand, volunteers start preparing coffee (or cocoa), sandwiches, cookies and different sweets to all those people who live on the street and come to our stand for food. [...]
Every morning, under the supervision a group leader, food items are collected from different points of the province (and sometimes outside it) with our van. Meanwhile, in our stand, volunteers start preparing coffee (or cocoa), sandwiches, cookies and different sweets to all those people who live on the street and come to our stand for food. [...]

For our organization, transparency is a very important topic.
In this page you can find different documents that show our commitment with the transparency of our non-profit organization.
One of the steps we took in that direction has been to have an external organization regularly do an audit on our accounts.
Here you can see the reports from the different audits that have been done: [...]
In this page you can find different documents that show our commitment with the transparency of our non-profit organization.
One of the steps we took in that direction has been to have an external organization regularly do an audit on our accounts.
Here you can see the reports from the different audits that have been done: [...]